Our Closeness Comes From Love Not Lust: How Asexual Women Experience Intimacy In Relationships

Exploring the depths of emotional connection and physical intimacy is a beautiful journey within any relationship. It's a unique dance of understanding, trust, and vulnerability. Nurturing that bond requires patience, communication, and the willingness to explore new ways of expressing love. If you're looking for guidance and support on this journey, Dating Help US offers valuable insights and resources to help you navigate the complexities of intimacy in your relationship.

When it comes to dating and relationships, there's often an assumption that physical intimacy is a key component. But for asexual women, intimacy looks a little different. Asexual women experience little to no sexual attraction, and their relationships are built on emotional connection and love rather than physical desire. In this article, we'll explore how asexual women experience intimacy in their relationships, and how their unique perspective can teach us all a thing or two about love and connection.

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Defining Asexuality

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Before we delve into how asexual women experience intimacy, it's important to understand what asexuality is. Asexuality is a sexual orientation characterized by a lack of sexual attraction. Asexual individuals may still experience romantic attraction, and they may form deep emotional connections with their partners. However, the desire for sexual activity is not present. It's important to note that asexuality is a spectrum, and individuals may identify as asexual to varying degrees.

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Emotional Intimacy

For asexual women, emotional intimacy is the foundation of their relationships. Without the pressure of sexual attraction, asexual women are able to focus on building deep emotional connections with their partners. This often leads to incredibly strong and supportive relationships, as the focus is on understanding, empathy, and communication. Asexual women place a high value on emotional connection, and they prioritize open and honest communication with their partners.

Physical Intimacy

While asexual women may not experience sexual attraction, that doesn't mean they don't enjoy physical intimacy. Many asexual women still crave physical touch, such as cuddling, hugging, and holding hands. Physical intimacy is an important way for asexual women to express their love and affection for their partners, and it can be just as fulfilling as sexual intimacy for them. In fact, many asexual women report feeling more comfortable and secure in their relationships because the focus is on non-sexual physical intimacy rather than sexual activity.

Communication Is Key

One of the most important aspects of intimacy for asexual women is communication. It's crucial for partners to have open and honest conversations about their needs, desires, and boundaries. Asexual women are often very upfront about their orientation, and they appreciate partners who are understanding and respectful of their needs. By communicating openly, asexual women and their partners can work together to find ways to express love and intimacy that are fulfilling for both parties.

Reframing Intimacy

Asexual women challenge the traditional narrative of intimacy and relationships. Their experiences show us that love and closeness can be achieved without the presence of sexual attraction. By reframing our understanding of intimacy, we can learn to prioritize emotional connection, communication, and physical touch in our own relationships. Asexual women teach us that there are many ways to express love and affection, and that intimacy is not limited to sexual activity.


Asexual women experience intimacy in a way that challenges societal norms and expectations. Their relationships are built on love, emotional connection, and physical touch, rather than sexual desire. By understanding and respecting the experiences of asexual women, we can all learn to prioritize emotional intimacy and communication in our own relationships. Love comes in many forms, and asexual women show us that closeness is about so much more than lust.